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What Is CBD?

“CBD” is short for Cannabidiol, which is a chemical compound derived from the Cannabis Sativa plant. It is the NON-psychoactive, medicinal counterpart to Marijuana. There are three different types of CBD:

  • Isolate CBD: Straight CBD, nothing else added in the mix.

  • Broad-Spectrum CBD: This is CBD, mixed with other cannabinoids such as CBC, CBN, CBG, etc., but NO THC.

  • Full-Spectrum CBD: This kind has all of the above in the product. CBD, a bunch of other cannabinoids, and VERY low levels of DELTA-9 THC (<0.3%).

CBD is not a cure, but can help with most any pain issues, whether musculoskeletal or nerve. It can also help relieve stress, anxiety, depression, PTSD, dry skin, arthritis, joint pains, etc., and help more serious conditions such as epilepsy, cerebral palsy, seizures, and even cancer.

The best way to take CBD can be in most any form, the most popular forms being creams/lotions/salves for topical relief, vape oils for an immediate relief, and tinctures/edibles for a longer lasting relief.